This is what I will write: some thoughts, some stories, some of myself. The way I see the way of life. It is just me, my views, my opinions, my way of saying, my way of writing. My spirit, my fire, my love and the freedom of being myself.

My life with Miracle of love (part 2)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I have moved all the Miracle of love blog post to a dedicated site.
You can find this article on the new blog here:  My life with miracle of love  (2)

You can still read the comments made on this blog here..

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posted by Milena at 9:35 AM 2 comments

My life with Miracle of Love (part 1)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I have moved all the Miracle of love blog post to a dedicated site.
You can find this article on the new blog here: My life with miracle of love  (1)

You can still read the comments made on this blog here.


posted by Milena at 6:22 PM 1 comments