This is what I will write: some thoughts, some stories, some of myself. The way I see the way of life. It is just me, my views, my opinions, my way of saying, my way of writing. My spirit, my fire, my love and the freedom of being myself.
8 January 1984
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Dedicated to girl Milena on this special day. She is still here. I am here.
Gli angeli ci sono
Fu un attimo
e poi solo il silenzio,
un'attesa dolce
il richiamo di un angelo
le sue ali sul mio viso
ed è ancora giorno
la luce risplende per la seconda volta
chissà quando sarà
che dovrò veramente partire
The angels exist
It was a moment
and then just silence
a sweet waiting
an angel calling
his wings on my face
and the day came again
the light shines for the second time
who knows when
I must really leave
Labels: 8 January 84
posted by Milena at 8:05 AM
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