I am in heaven.
The rest of the world can go to hell.Someone once said about me that I care too much about people. I am very honest now, take me up in the mountain and I am not afraid to say that I don't care anymore.
Mount Luco
I spent the last two weeks hiking the mountains of my valley (Val di Non, Trentino) with my darling Driek and truly being surrounded by the immense beauty of being above the drama of life and one with nature where the only noise is ......silence.
On my way to heaven Monte Luco
I never give up when I climb, my legs are hurting and even more, the scars are burning. I feel the strength in my heart and a sweet sense of great space around and inside of me. No, I don't give up. My love for the mountains is and has been my blessing throughout my life. I pray the Father my legs will always carry me to the purity of those calm places where I can touch..... Heaven and be with Him.
I haven't been able to hike as much as I did in these days. Mostly because I was faraway and in my short visits to Italy didn't have enough time to proper train the body before the long hours of trekking.
After the car accident I never went up again on Mount Luco, my beloved mountain. Now after 23 years on top of the mountain I feel exactly the same: I am in ecstasy and in awe! One more thing I feel that I couldn't know at a young age: a deep respect for our human body and for a heart that can go beyond any limitations, physical and mental.
The victory and triumph I felt inside are beyond expression. Only tears are warming my face in sheer joy.
Labels: Mountain