I will always let go in the magnitude of the mountain.

When the heart wears down
in an attempt to leap into more love
and the world outside is spinning without me

When the Beloved is taking a break
from meeting the Lover
and the soul is bouncing into a holy fire
burning through pain

The smile on my face reflects
the beauty of the One
in every leaves and in every clouds
whether I am in joy or in turmoil
the freedom to be
rest in the stillness of this moment

Let me than rest Here,
in the spirit of the sacred place
where the mountains touch the sky
and the Light reveals
the secret Call.

I will always let go in the magnitude of the mountain

Milena - August 09

This is one of my favorite place to meditate when I am in my village. On this beautiful opening that you see in pix above, last year I wrote those words dedicated to my valley 'Val di Non". No English translation.

"La Val di Non"

La maestosa bellezza del Gruppo Brenta
fa da scudo e regala forza
alla dolce vallata dai rivi abbondanti

Imponente verso il cielo
dona speranza ai cuori delusi
e insieme con il cordone delle Maddalene
crea i contori sensuali e soavi
della generosa valle

Nel silenzio dei boschi, sopra il paese di Fondo
ammiro indisturbata
quello che Dio ha baciato con la Sua grazia.

E il mio cuore si tuffa nella gioia
di essere nata
tra queste montagne
e cresciuta in questi boschi

Milena - July 08

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