This is what I will write: some thoughts, some stories, some of myself. The way I see the way of life. It is just me, my views, my opinions, my way of saying, my way of writing. My spirit, my fire, my love and the freedom of being myself.

Monte Luco

Friday, September 26, 2008

Il Laugen Spitze.
Driek knows how much I love this mountain. Also that tree has a special meaning to me. On my short visit to my parents in the years I lived in India, I used to go and sit under this very tree. Maybe is not the Buddha tree but it has a very sweet Buddha-like quality when I close my eyes under its branches.
Five minutes from my house a relaxing walk along the meadows of Fondo and when you turn to the right here it stands. The neighbors Sud Tirolers call it Laugen, and all the trek is signposted as Laugen Spitze. To me it is and will always be il Luco (2433) as we, inhabitants of Val di Non, call it.

My wonderful Luco

Sunrise on mount Luco, when I was 17

So many dreams to lighten up
endless prayers to the god above
infinite space behind my eyes
solitude with compassion
only then it means to me

to climb the stairs of life
to dive like a waterfall
to serenely watch
an eagle fly
to think with no mind

I wonder if paradise
it is to breathe in the pain
and breathe out joy
like when I walk up the Luco
the pain transforms
and there is only sweet tender joy
of being part of this universe

with a body that contains
what has no form
a consciousness
that will survive this vessel
eternally peaceful
dissolved ashes
on top of mount Luco.

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posted by Milena at 3:40 AM 1 comments

La voce del cuore

Monday, September 15, 2008

Primo anniversario 15 september 2008
Per noi,
dolce amico del cuore

Ha il colore del bianco
il sapore di dolce
di gioia infinita
di gratitudine che scioglie il cuore
di sentire l'amore
dentro e fuori
di una soave melodia

di serene salite e morbide discese
di alte vette
di incontaminati laghi
di oceani immensi
del fuoco che fa luce

di un bambino che piange
di un vecchio che sorride alla morte
del saggio che sorride al vecchio

di una goccia di rugiada,
della pioggia tempestosa
della luna che fa sognare
di un sole che sempre scalda

la voce del cuore

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posted by Milena at 4:11 AM

Simply up to the sky

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It is a long walk towards the Alpine guest house Rifugio Dorigoni in the grandiosity of Stelvio National Park.
I was determined to make it to the top and above, with ease and a lot of will, with my desire to overcome my short breath and the determination of a very stubborn mind, one of the many facets of a rough, though simple mountain spirit. I just don't stop, I may slow down but I don't stop. With an awareness on my body and a deep listening to its limit.
You don't challenge the mountain
you love her with each step you take.
And she loves you back.

The view compensates the effort, the amazing brightness of a blue sky gives you strength and the sound of the waterfall gives you power. The power of the mountain heart beat.

Yes because before you reach the plane of "Prato delle marmotte" you have to climb up a long staircase build between deep tree roots and running along an amazing powerful waterfall.
The waterfall of Saent.

Just below the Sternai mountain top on a gentle meadow lies the Rifugio Dorigoni. I thank the Iachelini family for their warm welcome. Cecilia loves her satellite internet and checks the weather report constantly to make sure that where you are going you find sun. Sometimes though is not in her hand. We were blessed even when on our last day we trekked down through the rain and the most disquieting mist. And despite all that I loved it.

We had the joy to spend a couple of nights at this altitude, close to the sky, embraced by the mountain and in celebration of our 10 months anniversary.
With the moon kissing our dreams.

And the magic continues the day after to the incredible stunning color and enchanting vision of the Sternai lakes, amazingly one even more beautiful than the other.
My soul was rejoicing. I can't explain the ecstasy and peace I felt when I walked up there.

A day comes when a man has to cross through important path. And there is no way back, only forward. You cross or you die, so it feels inside. It may look to you very scary it may feel you can't, you can hardly see where you are going and if you make a mistake you fall.
And yet you do it, you just move through - bringing one more piece of yourself to the other side.

The valley seems still far away, but you know you have to go back with a deep learning
and a sense of wonder about this incurable love affair with the mountain spirit.

All the photos as usual are from Driek. More of his photos from Italy on his flickr set.

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posted by Milena at 6:55 AM 1 comments

To Ocean Spirit

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Varkala India 2008

Ocean spirit

May your life be always protected by the Great Spirits
Bless who is fighting always for the light.

Let the immense power of the Great Ocean guide you
into the depth of your heart
And may all the secrets be revealed
to the one who wants nothing for the self

The humble endurance against evil
will in itself annihilate all evil

You stand strong my friend
in the face of all adversity
and smile at the nonsense
of the one that cannot know

You chose to help them to know
gently care of your vessel

Let patience be the guiding path
with your eyes always wondering
what lies behind the horizon

To my friend Sjoukje Drenth-Bruntjes exit counselor and much more.
with gratitude
Mountain girl

Link to one of her special page: Ocean spirit

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posted by Milena at 3:02 AM 1 comments

Summertime...silent time...on Macaion

Monday, September 01, 2008

Summertime ..., originally uploaded by driek.

I begged Paolo, one of my childhood friend to not let me down in summer and lend me for few days his little hut on a wonderful spot along the gentle ascend to Macaion.
But he is a real good and very generous friend and kept his promise to my delight.

Yes because to me there is nothing more rewarding, enriching and enlightening then to spend days and nights on my own, in a place where no electricity, no book to read, not even cellular reception can distract you. Only pen and paper and of course in the depth of a thick forest.
I was alone with myself for 4 solid days to enjoy solitude, to walk silently, to ponder, and contemplate on the mysteries of life and death.

Yes sometimes dreams can become reality. I had the blessing to benefit Paolo sweet little mountain hut couple of times, more then what I expected. If it would have been for me I could have stayed there weeks long, but life was going on also down in the valley awaiting for my return.
However those moments are deeply embedded in my memory and my soul. And it would be too long to explain it all.


Moments like these belong to poetry
to the language of the heart

to the wisdom of natural living

to a peaceful mind

to the sound of a river flowing
to the song of birds chirping,
to the gentleness of a butterfly resting softly on petals,
to the amazing beauty
and perfection of the smallest flower

to the watcher who experiences being in the moment

to His divine presence

in all and everything

Flowers on Sternai lakes

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posted by Milena at 8:47 AM 1 comments