Today, the 4th of October, I celebrate St Francis, my most beloved Saint, inspiring source of simple living, humble giving, merciful help, love of God, brother of all Creatures.

He never fails to answer me. His presence and example are deeply embedded in my heart, and take my soul to flights of deep longing.
Who knows, maybe, in one of my past lives, I was a simple friar following his step and praying with him. Or perhaps I was one of the sisters of St Clare, his beloved companion- in the purest sense- and founder of the Order of the Poor Ladies (commonly referred as the Poor Clares), the monastic religious order for woman in the Franciscan tradition.
It doesn't really matter, because the soul never dies and St. Francesco is here and now beating and filling my heart with tears of love.

My wedding anniversary
On the 15th of September I celebrated with my beloved Driek our second wedding anniversary. This poem is for us and all the lovers of God.

A wedding gift

I hear you singing, dear, inviting me to your limb,
I am coming, for all that we do
is a preparation for love.

I hear you singing, my Lord, inviting me to your throne.

We are coming, dear for all the toil we have blessed us with
is a preparation to know and hold the sacred.

I hear you singing, my soul, but can it be
that God's voice
has now become my own?

"That is just a wedding gift
for our
Divine Union,"

my Beloved

St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)

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